Air Pocket
“Air Pocket” literally means carrying air in a small pocket, hoping that we can all carry fresh air, oxygen, and any necessary gas within a pocket using our key technology, gas adsorbents. Air Pocket is an in-house venture project of C-Lab (Creative Lab), operated by Samsung to develop creative ideas into business opportunities.
Out of 520 applicants, Yearin Byun was selected as one of creative leaders in 2020 and organized the team "Air Pocket". The team consists of three members - materials engineer (Yearin Byun), mechanical engineer (Jiyoung Park), and designer (Sungchan Ko). Within one year, this project produced multiple outcomes such as the Grand Prize to tackle COVID-19, patents, and CES entry. After the successful developments and many outcomes, "Air Pocket" project got absorbed into the Department of Digital Home Appliances, currently getting ready for commercialization.
"What is Air Pocket?"
An overall description of Air Pocket including our key technology and list of products.
How to use Air Pocket?"
A demo and application examples of Air Pocket products such as indoor mists, outdoor sprays, and mask cans.
"Developer Story"
A story about our developers such as what inspired this idea and what our designer and engineer focused on.
Media Interviews on Air Pocket
- TV조선 (2021) 기발한 아이디어에 박수를…CES서 저력보인 한국 스타트업 [Link]
- Channel A (2021) 진단 패치·스마트 마스크로 잡는다…‘코로나 전자쇼’ [Link]
- MTN (2021) 韓 스타트업 활약도 발군…혁신상 1/4 휩쓸어 [Link]
- Samsung Newsroom (2021) ‘CES 2021’에 출사표 던진 아이디어들 (feat. C랩) [Link]
News articles that featured Air Pocket
- (2021) CES 2021: Maskfone leads pack of smart face masks amid coronavirus pandemic [Link]
- License to blog (2021) Samsung C-Lab 2021 projects include pocketable oxygen and a virtual sommelier [Link]
- Nikkei (2021) Asia flexes tech muscle in COVID fight with 'smart masks' and robots [Link]
- Interfaces News (2021) CES 2021: gadgets contra a Covid-19 [Link]
- (2021) Portable Oxygen Devices [Link]
- Zoom Tecnologico (2021) Proyectos patrocinados por Samsung se presentarán en CES 2021 [Link]
- Portalgeek (2021) Samsung Presenta Sus Startups De ‘C-Lab Inside’ Y ‘C-Lab Outside’ [Link]
- Heraldsun (2021) Maskfone leads pack of smart face masks amid coronavirus pandemic [Link]
- Daily Advent (2021) Ginza shoppers clean hands, phones with high-tech wash stations [Link]
- Thanhnien (2021) Châu Á giới thiệu hàng loạt công nghệ y tế tại CES 2021 [Link]
- Sarakhon (2021) সিইএস শো’তে প্রাধান্য পেল স্বাস্থ্য বিষয়ক স্টার্ট-আপ [Link]
- 1thegioi (2021) Nhiều phát minh kỳ lạ thời COVID-19 [Link]
- Hatgiongtamhon (2021) Nhiều phát minh kỳ lạ thời COVID-19 [Link]
- Digital Daily (2021) 코로나19가 불러온 변화...이런 ‘마스크’는 처음이지? [CES2021] [Link]
- Naver News (2021) 'CES 2021' 온라인 개막, 관전포인트 정리 [Link]
- ETN News [CES 2021]웨어러블 기기로 진화한 '마스크'... 코로나19 정면돌 [Link]
- Daily Post (2021) ① 전 세계 가전 쇼 ‘CES 2021’…삼성·LG 혁신 기술 ‘주목’ [Link]
- E today (2021) 강아지 말 해석하고, 샤워기로 노래 듣고? 이색 아이템 모음집 [Link]
- 정구민의 톺아보기 (2021) CES 2021, 진화하는 스마트 마스크 [Link]
- 이코노미스트 (2021) CES 2021 – 주목할 만한 혁신 아이템] 올해 주인공 ‘스타트업’ ‘최고 혁신상’ [Link]
- 네이버 뉴스 (2021) 온라인으로 진행된 CES 2021, 올해는 무엇을 선보였을까? [Link]
- [IT in CES] LG와 레이저의 첨단 마스크 대결 '눈길' [Link]
- INews24 (2021) [CES 2021] 코로나 필수품 '마스크'에 스마트 신기술 결합하니 [Link]
- 네이버 포스트 (2021) 숨쉬기 힘든 KF94 마스크? 이젠 웨어러블 마스크로 코로나19 정면 돌파 [Link]